Scenic Stops in Kauai
11.17.09 80 °F
Our second day in Kauai was spent navigating the Northern coast line. We woke early, grabbed breakfast, and we were on the road just as the sun was rising (we never quite adjusted to the time change!).
Once on the road we were treated to some of the most spectacular sights in Kauai. The drive alone was breathtaking, it literally looked as though we were driving through the top of a forest canopy.
We took in the spectacular views of the impressive Kilauea Lighthouse.
Stopped to admire the taro fields common on Kauai's Northern coast.
We then decided to explore the "dry" caves of Ha'ena, as opposed to the nearby "wet" caves which are infested with the bacteria leptospirosis. Legend has it that the ancient Menehune people of Kauai dug this "dry" cave to find the beast responsible for killing their fish...
After our cave exploration we lounged on the nearby Ke'e Beach (technically the Northernmost point you can drive to on the island), one of the islands best snorkeling spots. Once again we were teased with views of the Napali coastline.
As always hunger got the best of us, so we headed to the town of Hanalei to visit Ching Young Village where we indulged in a classic Hawaiian shave ice - a scoop of macadamia nut ice cream topped with shaved ice and an assortment of sugary syrups in tropical flavors. Delicious!
Later we made our way to both Wailea and Opeka'a Falls.
We also discovered several Heiaus, or Hawaiian Temples, along the way. Often mistaken for a pile of lava rocks, these stones are all that remain of a sacred Hawaiian sight where rituals, sacrifices, and wars took place.
The day wasn't complete however without running into hundreds of these guys...
With almost the entire day under our belt, we headed back to the resort for more rest and relaxation. Oh and some trips down the water slide and lazy river, ah the life of resort living.
Posted by Jennylynn 06:56 Archived in USA Tagged tourist_sites
Wow this looks gorgeous! My trip to Kauai was the best week of my life! Nothing is better than those pristine beaches and unbeatable surf. I've been dreaming of going back ever since thanks to Kauai Vacation Rentals!
by jjayinla